interrupt handler

interrupt handler
information security
eng.interrupt handler
rus.блок обработки прерываний, обработчик прерываний
ukr.блок обробки переривань, оброблювач переривань

English-Russian dictionary of information security . 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "interrupt handler" в других словарях:

  • Interrupt Handler — Interrupt Handler,   ein kleines Dienstprogramm des Betriebssystems (ein so genannter Handler), das beim Auftreten eines Interrupts ausgeführt wird. Jeder Art von Interrupt ist ein spezielles Programm zugeordnet, das auf die Unterbrechungsursache …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Interrupt handler — An interrupt handler, also known as an interrupt service routine (ISR), is a callback subroutine in an operating system or device driver whose execution is triggered by the reception of an interrupt. Interrupt handlers have a multitude of… …   Wikipedia

  • interrupt handler —    Special software located in the operating system kernel that manages and processes system interrupts.    Also known as an interrupt service routine (ISR).    When an interrupt occurs, the processor suspends and saves its current activity and… …   Dictionary of networking

  • interrupt handler — pertraukties procedūra statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Procedūra, apdorojanti ↑pertrauktį. Iškviečiama įvykus pertraukčiai. Gali apdoroti vieną arba kelias giminingas pertrauktis. atitikmenys: angl. interrupt handler; interrupt procedure …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • interrupt handler — pertraukčių tvarkyklė statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. interrupt handler vok. Inrerruptbehandungsprogramm, n rus. обработчик прерываний, m pranc. gestionnaire d interruptions, m …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Handler — may refer to:a person who handles something: ** animal handler, person who conducts animal training or is a wrangler (profession). ** a sports handler, a coach (sport) or sports agent of a sports player, or a promoter (entertainment) ** agent… …   Wikipedia

  • Interrupt —   [dt. »Unterbrechung«] der, eine Unterbrechung des aktuellen Prozesses, die ein Prozessor in regelmäßigen Abständen oder bei Vorliegen einer entsprechenden Anfrage vornimmt, um Systemroutinen bzw. die Anforderung abzuarbeiten. Der Prozessor… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Interrupt — This article is about computer interrupts. For the study of the effect of disruptions on job performance, see Interruption science. In computing, an interrupt is an asynchronous signal indicating the need for attention or a synchronous event in… …   Wikipedia

  • Interrupt storm — In operating systems, an interrupt storm is an event during which a processor receives an inordinate number of interrupts that consume the majority of the processor s time. Interrupt storms are typically caused by hardware devices that do not… …   Wikipedia

  • Interrupt latency — In Realtime Operating Systems, Interrupt latency is the time between the generation of an interrupt by a device and the servicing of the device which generated the interrupt. For many operating systems, devices are serviced as soon as the device… …   Wikipedia

  • Interrupt vector — An interrupt vector is the memory address of an interrupt handler, or an index into an array called an interrupt vector table or dispatch table . Interrupt vector tables contain the memory addresses of interrupt handlers. When an interrupt is… …   Wikipedia

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